Monday, October 17, 2011

Murder and Mayhem on a Saturday Afternoon

One of the leaders of the demon BDSM group i belong to, no I'm not a demon, nor do i practice hardcore BDSM, asked me to schedule a "snuff" event for the saturday just past. In our group, a snuff even consists of the members running around with their preferred weapon and "snuffing" the other participants. Since death in Second Life has no effect, and merely results in you being transported back to your home intact, it a great way to have some fun.

I turned the land below the lair into a jungle, with large rocks and heavy foliage. In some places the visibility was literally zero meters. Of course since I set up the playing field, I set up a couple of hidden places where i could snipe at the other players.

I TPed  into the lair a few minutes after the start. Flying is not allowed on that property, so I TPed in flying, which negates that restriction. I rezzed my weapon of choice, a pump action shotgun and took the elevator to the ground. When I rezzed I wasn't able to fly since sitting negates your flight. I saw a combatant and fired... to no effect. Mumbling "crap" to myself I ran off the property, which is an automatic safe zone since bullets won't travel beyond the property line. I rezzed my back up weapon, a sniper rifle which i just happened to unpack and test the day before. Being off the property i was able to fly, so i went up to about 100M and started popping the other players running through the trees. It only took the others a few minutes to realize where I was, so I dropped to ground and ran into my secret cave.

I TPed in my partner Cors in who stressed that she was a non combatant. Unfortunately in the flurry of activity I failed to notify the other players.

My good friend Kat who i had already killed once walked by the entrance to the cave where I killed her  again, then double clicked away before Kat could return and take revenge, leaving  Cors unarmed and defenceless.

When Kat returned she entered the cave and killed Cors, gloating before she pulled the trigger. I decided I need to kill Kat one more time as payback. Eventually Kat got smart and put on some sort of body armor I think, because it took multiple shots to bring her down.

I lost track of how many people I killed, but taking the time to line up the shot paid off, because I truly had a "one kill per shot" weapon. I managed to kill Kaboom, our leader, 3 times i think His red demon skin made him stand out clearly, especially when i hovering high in the sky.

The most exciting moments are when u are standing and tracers starting flying past your head. On at least 2 occasions I was able to go into mouselook, turn, aim and kill my attacker. One time I managed to kill a group of 4 people standing beside each other with 4 well placed shots. Unfortunately it turned out they  were in the  safe zone.

My final total,  I think I got about 20 kills and was killed my self maybe 5 times.

I found out the next day that i can move around while in mouseview, making it unnecessary to keep switching views. Next time i'll set it so I run everywhere, and I'll set a bunch of LM's so I can return at a different place every time.

I think next time we need to clarify where safe zones are, and what aids we can use, since i used my mini map to track my enemies and sneak up on them. Cors suggested we designate a color of clothing for non combatants to wear so they could enjoy the fun without taking part directly.

Personally, I had a wonderful time, there was a real rush getting a shot in and killing your opponents before they can kill you.

I plan on making this event a regular monthly activity, since the turnout was so good.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nakie or Not

My SL sister Mady who i love like the rl sister I never had, tped me to a club she works in last night. One contest ended, and the next began. It was Nakie or not, meaning the patrons could get nude if they wished.

I figured wth, its friday night, have some fun, so i emoted striping in local. Then i cammed out and saw i was the only one nude. Well, its early right? I figured I'd tp a few friends in, starting with Kat, my friend, lover and occasional Mistress. I didn't want to ruffle any feathers so i IMed the manager before TPing Kat in. Shes a shemale and i didn't want anyone having a heart attack if she got nude.

I said Kat was a shemale and the manager said "I don't even know what that is" I told him and after a 10 minute silence he said sure thats cool.

I tped in Kat, as well as Artie, who plays a fem boy, plus Emi and Nix, two of my pets.

Me and Artie and Emi danced nude, while everyone else in the place was still clothed. Emi was on the pole so i emoted something, and got an ewwwww from one of the other guests.

I decided at this point that the club must be on the destination guide for noobs.

I had fun dancing nude with my friends while the rest of the guests amused themselves with their endless trite gestures, telling how much fun they were having, while making vague sexual innuendos which most of them would never fulfill.

A girl, a Mrs something or other, who probably considered it a success to drag all her first life baggage into second life had an evil titler, so I set it to "wants to lick BJ all over"

 She instantly typed yuck and reset it to a banal proclimation of her love for her sl hubby. When it came up again I set it to "uptight" but later i though i should have set it to "thinks lezbos are yucky"

The night wasn't a total loss though, the contest was a "share the wealth" so in payment for suffering through two hours with uptight noobs, I got 84 l, which I tipped to the host and the DJ.

It was also an eye opener for me,. since i realized that compared to the large majority of SLers, a lot of who should never have left Yovillle, I'm quite wild. It also made me realize how far I've come since i first joined SL.

Second life is just considered a game to some, but if you immerse yourself properly, it can be an amazing journey of self discovery and fulfillment


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My New Blog

I've been in Second Life for a year and a half, and  I thought it was time to start writing about it, all the crazy stuff I've done, and all the wonderful and not so wonderful people I've met. Names will be changed to protect the innocent and the guilty.
